Scopes of Work
Asphalt Sealcoating
Crack Sealing after Milling and before New Asphalt Overlay
At new asphalt overlay projects, the appearing cracks after milling of the damages surface shall be addressed and treated by crack sealing followed by Geogrid application before overlay starts. This procedure has shown great results to protect the new wearing course and prevention of the cracking refection to the new surface. Routing of the crack is a MUST in this operation.
Asphalt Crack Sealing
As our core business we provide supply and/or apply services to seal the cracks on asphalt by asphalt crack sealing and wearing course to extend the services life of the pavement by sealing the surface and postpone the expensive repairs. We provide normal or VIP sealing that has extended services life. The material is Polymer modified Rubberized Hot Applied Sealant.
Concrete Slab Joint Sealing
Sunway Sealing provides fast and effective sealing services on concrete slab expansion joints that includes removal of the old and failed sealant followed by cutting and providing fresh joint profile and finally sealing of the joint with one component cold apply grey color silicone sealant using special application air pumps. This operation enjoys 10 years warranty.
Asphalt Plug Joint
Asphalt Plug joint (APJ) will accommodate sealing of the bridge or under pass joints with Max. 25 mm horizontal and 10 mm vertical movements. This scope consists of Asphalt cutting and removal to the deck level where the joint exists followed by casting the high quality Matrix 502 HD binder with selected structural aggregates finishing by topping aggregates. The normal width of the APJ is 50 cm with Min. 5 cm thickness.
Concrete Pavement Slab Repairs
This scope consists of removal of concrete slab damaged parts by jack hammers, preparation, and cleaning followed by application of polymerized hot applied mastic in grey colour including selective aggregates that will be finished by topping aggregates. Thanks to its flexibility, new surface will resist the cracking while handling heavy traffic.
Asphalt Sealcoating
Asphalt Sealcoating considered as a useful method to seal the surfaces with Max. 60 Km/h speed limit such as taxiways, shoulders, parking lots, cycling tracks, etc. that are subject to raveling and loosing aggregates as a result of UV drying up the binder. This scope will be starting by surface cleaning and application of cold apply Asphalt Sealcoating in two coats with Diaphragm Pumping System (DPS). The surface can be opened to traffic from 2 hours after application. The new surface up to 1-2 mm thickness will beautify and provide protection to the existing surface.

Asphalt Crack Sealing after milling and before new overlay
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Crafco Matrix 502 Asphaltic Plug Bridge Joint System
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